HAVE YOUR SAY Share your AIRFLOW® Dental Spa & GBT experience. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Which Dental Practice did you receive the AIRFLOW® & GBT treatment from? *Have you heard about AIRFLOW® or GBT prior to your appointment? *YesNoHow did you feel during the AIRFLOW® & GBT treatment? Selected Value: 5 0 = Not Great / 10 = FantasticWill you return for a second appointment of AIRFLOW® & GBT? *YesNo AIRFLOW® you did If NO or UNSURE, can you tell us why?What are the reasons for you to receive a second AIRFLOW® & GBT treatment?It is MORE COMFORTABLE than previous teeth cleaning treatmentsI enjoyed the WARM WATERI really liked the RESULTSI got valuable FEEDBACK on my oral hygieneOtherHow would you rate the value for money of your appointment? Selected Value: 5 0 = No value for money / 10 = Great value for moneyWould you recommend the clinic you have visited and the treatment to a friend? *YesNoIf NO, can you tell us why?Are you a patient with: *BracesImplantsSensitive TeethNone of the aboveIs there anything else you would like us to know?Testimonial Disclaimer *I agreeI don't agreeIf you submit a testimonial to us using this form, then you agree that we may publish your testimonial, together with your name and practice on our website, social media channels and brochures/flyers, on such page and in such position as we may determine in our sole discretion. You further agree that we may edit the testimonial and publish edited or partial versions of the testimonial. However, we will never edit a testimonial in such a way as to create a misleading impression of your views. You may terminate this licence by giving us 30 days' written notice of termination.Submit